-ways - definitie. Wat is -ways
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Wat (wie) is -ways - definitie

Five ways; Five Ways (disambiguation)

·- A suffix formed from way by the addition of the adverbial -s (see -wards). It is often used interchangeably with wise; as, endways or endwise; noways or nowise, ·etc.
¦ suffix forming adjectives and adverbs of direction or manner: lengthways. Compare with -wise.
Five Ways, Birmingham         
  • Broadway Plaza
  • Five Ways Shopping Centre with Auchinleck House above and [[Metropolitan House]] to the left.
  • Lloyds Bank]] at Five Ways.
  • Before and after: The end result of cleanup work on the [[Joseph Sturge memorial]] at Five Ways.
Five Ways Island
Five Ways is an area of Central Birmingham, England. It takes its name from a major road junction, now a busy roundabout (with pedestrian subways through a traffic island) to the south-west of the city centre which lies at the outward end of Broad Street, where the Birmingham Middle ring road crosses the start of the A456 (Hagley Road).


Five Ways

Five Ways may refer to:

Uitspraakvoorbeelden voor -ways
1. ways.
How To Make a Digital Clock
2. ways.
Building An Unconventional Company _ Zim Ugochukwu _ Talks at Google
3. ways.
Body Love Every Day _ Celebrity Health Coach Kelly LeVeque _ Talks at Google
4. ways.
Question Bridge _ Chris Johnson & Hank Willis Thomas _ Talks at Google
5. ways.
Patrisse Cullors _ A Black Lives Matter Memoir _ Talks at Google
Voorbeelden uit tekstcorpus voor -ways
1. WAYS–AND–MEANS CHAIRMAN÷ Thomas urges new incentives to save, new ways to inherit savings.
2. Throughout the debate, they meddled, often in ways that were distracting, sometimes in ways that were annoying and rarely in ways that were particularly revealing.
3. I became strong in some ways, and I became better informed in some ways.
4. But there are smart ways to promote democracy and there are stupid, even dangerous, ways.
5. Secretariat created a document that provides a number of indicators, ways to measure, ways the U.N.